Christian Musician Chris Hall

By Marie Parker

New Christian Music artist Chris Hall, released his first music album "Break My Heart on December 6, 2011. He has also just released his 2nd album "Reflections of You" in October.

Chris has always longed to be a singer/songwriter and make his own album. He really enjoys making songs for the Lord and he looks toward doing God's will in his life and witnessing to others in hopes that the message of God will be passed along in his music.

Chris has always had a passion for singing, even as a little boy. At times his dad would have to tell him to be quiet since he would be continually singing or humming something! At the age of 16, Chris acquired his first guitar and he and some friends started playing together as a band. At that time he was not following the Lord though, and he is very thankful to God today that he didn't go down that path that he was headed.

Chris realized he needed to commit his life to the Lord after highschool. When he was 8 years old, he had repented and asked Christ into his heart for salvation, but being surrounded by an unstable environment and the party life, he had strayed since then, from God and his New Testament Church. Once he finally saw that he was unhappy with the way his life was going and that he wanted the peace and surety that God had to offer, he told his friends at a party one night that he was going to be different and that they weren't going to recognize him.

It wasn't long after that, that he went back to the church he had been a member of when he was younger, and became a member there again, committing his life in service to the Lord. He then was married in 2000 and he and his wife had their first son three years later.

Chris took back to playing music again during that time and was able to start on the road toward his dream of creating an album. It took some time and money to purchase the recording equipment and software he would need, but slowly things started coming together with the help of his wife's computer skills and support and he was able to finally get his first album "Break My Heart" published by Tate Music Group in 2011.

Chris and his wife now have 3 boys and his newest album "Reflections of You" has just been released. Chris does most of the recording himself with the exception of some guitar tracks and drum tracks. Ethereal Studios in Albany, OR did the mixing, mastering and guitar tracks on this new album. Chris is also working toward doing the whole production process himself on future albums. He is currently looking to find band members to be able to play with him at live events which he plans on doing soon.

Chris is an amazing man and creative song writer. His songs are unique and will touch you and cause you to reflect on God's love and his will in your life!

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