Brindavanam Starring Junior NTR, Kajal Agarwal and Samantha in Lead roles and Real Star Srihari in a special role has celebrated its audio launch function on September 12th. The audio of Brindavanam is composed by S.Thaman of Kick Fame and Directed by Vamsi Paidipalli of Munna Fame. The film Brundavanam is produced by none other than 'Dil' Raju. Brundaavanam Movie is going to be released on October 1st and sure it's going to be a visual treat to all his fans. You can buy the Brindavanam Music from Aditya Music.
Brundaavanam Tracks
01.Theme - Geetha Madhuri,Rita & Ramya
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02.Yuvakula - Remo Ferandes,Ranjith,Revathi
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03.Eyi Raja - Shankar Mahadevan,Shreya Ghoshal
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04.Nijamena - Karthik,Suchitra
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05.Vachadura - Koti Garu,M.M.Keeravani,Ranjith,K.K
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06.Oopirage - Rahul Nambiar
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07.Mojjarey - Baba Sehgal , Ranjith , Nikitha Nigam
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08.Chinnadho - Savithri,B.Vasantha,Muralidhar,Sukhwinder Singh,Geethamadhuri,Baba Sehgal
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Download All Brindavanam Songs in 128KBPS | 320KBPS Quality